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Saturday Siblings ~ Oldest and Youngest (video edition)

Aidan often sings to Ollie. I asked her to demonstrate in 15 seconds or less. She delivered. In French.

(if you can’t see the video, refresh this page, or go to this link)

Teddy loves Ollie

Teddy yanks Ollie’s arm like it’s an old school slot machine handle. Teddy positions his face 1/8 inch from Ollie’s, saying, “Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Ollie!” Teddy piles his little cars on Ollie in hopes he will play. Ollis is his baby. Not yours. Not mine. Certainly not Ryley’s.

Teddy and Ollie


11 Things Coloradans Aren’t Supposed to Say or Think

1. I don’t ski or snowboard and I don’t care if I ever do.

2. I like Casa Bonita’s food!

3. I bet you wear that down vest to bed.

4. Why are you riding your bike on this hilly, narrow, two-lane road with extremely limited visibility and heavy truck traffic? (Never […]