
Ancient History

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The Tale of the Woman and The Fruit Wolf

The woods were thick and twisted. Gnarled leafless trees huddled against the onslaught of the first winter blast of arctic cold. Snow fell softly at first and found the landing rough after a dusty, wrinkled autumn. The forest floor, covered in rocks, dead trees, grey-yellow aspen leaves pulled the white up over its elbows and […]

Hey, Ladies

praying mantis

“Ladies first!” my son sneered to his brother as they waited to climb into the van to go to school.

It wasn’t the first time I noticed my older boys referring to each other as “ladies” when fighting or trying to insult each other. This is a new development since school started, and I […]

Happy New (School) Year!

Four of the kids just finished their first week of school. New classes, new-to-them teachers, so much newness. Yet, there’s a bunch of oldness, too. Same old backpacks, same lunch bags, same shaggy summer hair. These oversights might be corrected this weekend. We had to plow through these supply lists, first:

