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Over ~ October



January’s send-off February’s final bow March’s farewell April’s adieu May’s curtain June’s flounce away July’s cowboy riding into an orange sunset August’s fade to black September’s so long

(I do this because it’s fun for me. That’s all. Also, I wait for the first day of the new month so I can […]

Springtime Fresh Ankle Robots Mean Love

About seven weeks ago, Ryley asked if he could join his school’s robotics team. We said okay. He was excited and went to a day-long kick-off event. They picked up supplies and learned the specific tasks their robot had to perform. While he was gone, I went shopping. It was a typical trip to Target […]

I went to the mountains and looked around

I spent the weekend in Breckenridge with dear friends. All of us are moms, we’ve been friends since our big kids were small, and we didn’t clean up after ourselves until it was time to go. We decided it was a sign we are thoroughly comfortable with each other. We’ve gone on our self-styled October […]