
Ancient History

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Candy Cane Fangs are the Key to Happiness

My latest post is up over at The Denver Post’s Mile High Mamas. I made a handy-dandy list of 42 crazy-simple ways you can recapture holiday magic. Think like a child! Be a big bad wolf. Play with your cousins. Stick your tongue to a metal light pole on a frosty wintery morn. Go say […]

Saturday Siblings ~ The T-Bros

It’s a T thing. Too bad Sesame Street’s greatest years are behind them, because someone could write a song ala “Lowercase N” about Tummies, Tommy, Teddy and lacTose inToleranT digesTive sysTems. In a big family, the kids love to notice connections with each other. Tommy came first. He was much happier with a life free […]

Time Lords: Fathers and Sons Rule in “About Time”

Pip pip cheerio lads, chaps, and you. I love British films, British TV, British people. Evidence includes numerous viewings of Notting Hill and Love Actually whilst quoting lines in my noggin and cheering on the characters, even though I know what’s going to happen. Also, the way they pronounce “orange juice” is charming. O-raunj juice. […]