
Ancient History

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15 Haiku About My Electric Blanket

Innards sizzle from electromagnetic waves. I don’t really care.

Settings 2 and 8 are as vastly different than saute and broil.

Me and cookie dough: Please preheat for best results, simpatico, we.

Three in the morning, wake startled from a strange dream. No, Cookie Monster!

You and winter should have an epic rap […]

The Winter Walk

It’s only January, so winter’s teeth are still long and not worn down. Yesterday was one of those days when winter’s mouth was closed, so a few of us ventured out. It was a beautiful mild day with occasional gusty winds. The sky was a brilliant, amazing blue and the clouds were showing off every […]

Saturday Siblings ~ Whovians

doctor who yarn bomb arvada

I’ve only seen two episodes of Doctor Who: “Blink”—which scared the wee out of me. The second was the one with the baby who fancied himself some kind malevolent ruler of the universe. I watched because I was pregnant with Ollie and we needed a baby name. I crossed Stormeggedon, Dark Lord of All off […]