
Ancient History

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Haircut, Haircut Number Nine

Sharp scissors, meet tender cornsilk hair. It’s inevitable, this side of Samson. First haircuts happen, even those we try to stave off with the mighty will of a wistful mom inhaling the scent of a baby’s freshly-washed whirls and curls.

Out of our seven boys, Ollie had the most hair by toddlertime. A bar […]

Skirting the barren

I’ve been quiet around here lately, probably because late winter makes laser beams shoot out of my eyes and ears and not in a cool Saturday night dance party kind of way. The crust of the earth is a fallow cracking shell, blanketed by snow, ice, mud over and over. Glimpses of spring are coming […]

Love Love Love

Happy Valentine’s Day! If you love someone, and you haven’t told them in awhile, do it today. Some people love deeply, but they can’t make their mouths say, “I love you.” Some say it multiple times a day, but have trouble showing it non-verbally—not because they’re lazy beasts but because they are unsure where to […]