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Kiss These, They’re Irish(ish) ~ Easy St. Patrick’s Day Cupcakes

I think our family is responsible for 87% of the sales of Airheads Xtremes rainbow candies. The kids like the sour/sweet combination, I like how they easily make cakes colorful. They’re a fun alternative to sprinkles.

About a year ago, I made rainbow cupcakes with frosting the color of a blue sky and mini […]

Eulogy for a School Cafeteria Microwave

Upon learning the news of your demise in a morning email from the school, my thoughts turned to the cold ground beef stroganoff my son carried in his insulated lunch bag in a reusable container. If I’m honest, I felt worse for the stroganoff than for you, dead microwave, but above all I felt badly […]

Wearing Grins for the Irish ~ Steve Spangler Science’s Lucky Little Learners

Luck isn’t just for leprechauns. I am pretty lucky and there’s nothing magical about me. Proof: I got to visit Steve Spangler Science one morning and play with all kinds of science-y goodies. In anticipation and celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, Steve Spangler gathered 15 fun and accessible experiments and activities for families to do […]