
Ancient History

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Summer Photo Splash #1

The past few of summers, I wrote weekly recaps with dozens of my favorite photos. I’m so glad I did it because there is always a dark February night when revisiting the previous summer is massively cheering. I thought I’d do the same this summer, but decided against locking myself into a strict weekly schedule. […]

Icing and pickles

Yesterday was my birthday. I’m now 43, which depresses my daughter because I’m not 42. That was the age of the answer to life, the universe, everything. She was mournful as she noted it. When I told her I had re-slipped into obscurity and mediocrity, she told me to stop talking about it, I was […]

How to unleash your suburban child on public transportation

1. Realize your child needs to be at a certain place multiple times for many days in a row. Driving the child is either not possible or not on your list of awesome ways to spend 80 minutes each day.

2. What about those large, shoebox-shaped vehicles with ads for musicals lumbering along in […]