
Ancient History

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Summer Photo Splash #2

This batch features backyard play, family Duck Duck Goose, mini golfing, hiking at Mt. Falcon, a first shake.

Let’s keep track:

Summer Photo Splash #1


Super Daddyman vs. The Maple Marauder

We had a bizarre little tree in our backyard. It was planted by the previous owners, who apparently bought many of our fixtures and features on clearance at a two-bit dollar store. This little tree was probably out by the back dumpster waiting for her Charlie Brown. It was a scribble of a tree. After […]

A beautiful confidence

Today, I’m over at A Deeper Story musing on beauty, ritual, and how to avoid eating a bowling ball’s weight in makeup over your lifetime: Don’t wear makeup.

What happened when my admittedly shallow, embarrassing assumptions were wiped away like lipstick off a front tooth?

Please go say hello and make sure to […]