
Ancient History

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Shouting ‘Kentucky’ at Nobody

“Waterfall!” I bellowed at nobody in the back seat.

My little car cruised past the messy, splashing waterfall bounding over a cliff next to the interstate. For miles along I-70 through the Colorado mountains, waterfalls pounce down steep rocky hillsides. They are giddiest in the spring when runoff peaks, eagerly feeding rivers. Depending on […]

Summer Photo Splash #3

On Tuesday, June 17th, my mom stepped off a curb wonkily when a gust of wind blew hair in her face. She twisted her ankle as she fell to the ground, landing squarely on her right knee and hand. She heard a loud pop and knew she was in trouble. A woman driving by saw […]

Little blasts of a deep connection

Ollie had another strange breathing/croupy/wheezing attack, so I called the pediatrician the moment they opened yesterday and made an appointment. Ryley asked if he could come. His motives were ulterior (he had money and suspected I’d end up at a store) but I was glad to have him join us.

It’s odd being out […]