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Tetradical ~ Geek Out in the Yard #3

In the tender hours of April 4th, before the sun’s wrinkled forehead glimmered in the east, some of the kids and I tiptoed out the front door and into the yard to witness the third blood moon of the lunar eclipse tetrad.

I suspect one of the reasons I glommed onto this little tradition […]

Being Unoffendable in the Age of Perpetual Offense

“So what if—just dreaming out loud here—Christians were known as the people you can’t offend?” ~ Brant Hansen, Unoffendable, pg. 20.

The morning after I started reading Brant Hansen’s new book, Unoffendable, I was confronted by how easily I get offended. Angry, even. The pettiest inconveniences lead to tension. Teeth grit, eyeballs shoot laser beams, […]

Quiz: Are you Living with a Four-Year-Old Boy?

1. Old MacDonald has a…

a) Farm b) Cow c) Poop

2. A young child has a secret to tell you. What is it?

a) “I know what daddy got you for your birthday!” b) “(Sibling’s name) took the rest of your chocolate!” c) After giggling that sprays your ear with saliva, “Poop!”
