Here’s a bunch of haircuts for kids. Inspiration in this back-to-school season?
I like that it teaches some technical jargon, too, so when you take your kiddo in for a haircut you don’t say things like, “Don’t make him look like the guys in Dumb and Dumber.”
Fun to look at, but why do half of them talk about putting gel, and other stuff in your kids hair (other than shampoo and conditioner)? That didn’t seem very realistic or doable to me.
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Sunflower Field =-.
Yeah, I know, Melanie! I don’t put anything in my hair, either. When I take my boys, especially, to get their hair cut, the stylist always puts some sort of goop in their hair. They love it, but we have none at home.
I’m thinking I should get The Menace for Jacob. That kid has the worst cowlicks I’ve ever seen and has a permanent case of bedhead! I’ll just some gel on that sucker and call it a hairstyle!
.-= Shayne´s last blog ..Fruit Freezies and Birds in a Bagel =-.