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Bliss and the exponential—Archie update

I’ve been sleeping on it, and it’s good.

Bliss: When I handed over my milk to the nurse yesterday evening, she shocked me by asking if I would like to feed it to Archie. From a bottle. In my arms.

His respiration rate had dropped enough to allow a bottle-feeding attempt. I couldn’t say yes fast enough. A recliner was brought to his bedside, and I settled in. Another nurse held a tube of oxygen by his face (no canula for him yet at that point). I offered the bottle. He was wide awake. It took a few minutes, but he got the idea and drank. When he was done, they let me hold him while they changed his bedding and set up some new liquids in his IV.

Those moments were some of the best of my life. Seriously. He is beautiful.

My husband got to bottle feed him the next time around. I know he felt the same about the experience. We couldn’t wipe the goofy grins off our faces.

Around midnight, my husband visited him on his way home. He came back to my room to report Archie was in a regular crib with only a nasal canula for oxygen! He was sleeping comfortably.

It’s 4am here. I am getting ready to pump in a half hour and couldn’t sleep. At around 6am, he will have chest x-rays and blood drawn and everyone fully expects to see improvement. Pray for improvement and a definitive diagnosis, please!

Speaking of pumping….


Each time I pump, I get more and it is much easier for the Medela to coax it out. Rationally, I knew this would be the case. Thanks to all of you who shared your experiences and advice regarding pumping and the NICU. You talked me off the ledge!


As a person who has deep faith in the power of prayer and God’s sovereignty and love, it is no surprise to me that Archie is doing so well. He is mighty to save. Of course, I had hours of tormenting, sorrowful thoughts when everything fell apart in his little chest. I am only human and have been around long enough to know that sometimes the answer is no…it doesn’t change anything about God’s character when things don’t go our way.

Your prayers and encouragement helped sustain all of us. Archie is not out of the woods yet. It’s a delicate balance of circumstances playing out in his lungs right now, so while I am happy and optimistic, part of me is guarded and will be until he is 93 years old and I am 130 years old and on my fifth set of titanium hips.

39 comments to Bliss and the exponential—Archie update

  • I’m reading your entries with complete empathy, nodding in recognition at every NICU milestone while my own newborn miracle (now a fat and happy 11 pounds) snores on my chest. Snoring is a much more joyful noise than grunting. You’re doing so well! Keep pumping, keep praying, and before you know it, you’ll both be home and he’ll be snoring. I’m praying for you.

    Elizabeth’s last blog post..After the Nativity

  • Yea! I am so thankful for the great news and so glad to read the peace in your tone. Still praying for more good stuff!

    anonymouse’s last blog post..11.24.08

  • Oh Gretchen! So happy. And the rest of my comment is the same as Anonymouse’s, so just know that I’m praying. Still.

    Minnesotamom’s last blog post..My Incredible Life

  • Gretchen, I’m so glad Archie is getting better! I stopped blogging, but yesterday I was checking in frequently to see how he was doing. You’ve been on my mind and in my prayers. Thanks for the updates.

    Jeana’s last blog post..It’s Time

  • I am so sorry you are having to endure this, but your experience and your faith is a testimony to us all. I am strengthened by it, and I thank you.

    stacey @ tree, root, and twig’s last blog post..Notes on San Antonio

  • Edie

    What a wonderful update to see this morning! I’m so happy that Archie is doing better, and I can only imagine the smile on your face as you gave him that bottle – priceless. Sending many prayers for continued improvement for Archie, continued strength for you, and, of course, continued success with pumping!!

  • This is crazy reading how similiar your Archie and My Wee Babe’s experiences are! The lungs, the heart thing, the gettting to hold him thing… but I had a c/s and was in another town. He was doing so poorly that we didn’t get to hold him or try to give him milk until he was one week old. I share that to encourage you that Archie is progressing quicker and healing faster. Praise God!! Still praying here for all of you.

    in Him,

    Grateful for Grace’s last blog post..Cookie Loss

  • Carol

    Praise God! I am so happy to read that Archie is doing better and I will continue to pray for him to grow stronger each day.

  • Oh, Gretchen, these posts brought all of the tumult with Asher back…maybe if your name starts with an A and ends with an “er” then you have trouble breathing at birth? 🙂

    I love you!

    Rach’s last blog post..don’t dash my dreams

  • What a glorious day! As I’ve struggled with my own breathing problems these last few days, my heart has held Archie close.

    Now I have “Blessed Be Your Name” stuck in my head. My favorite parts:

    Blessed be Your name
    When the sun’s shining down on me
    When the world’s ‘all as it should be’
    Blessed be Your name

    Blessed be Your name
    On the road marked with suffering
    Though there’s pain in the offering
    Blessed be Your name

    Every blessing You pour out
    I’ll turn back to praise
    When the darkness closes in, Lord
    Still I will say

    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your glorious name

    Joanne’s last blog post..Quiet

  • Nikie

    I’m so glad to hear that things are going well. My sweet ladybug was in the NICU for seven weeks. My best pumping advice is go and at least hold his hand then pump. It is amazing how your body relaxes and your milk flows by just touching him. A photo of him while you pump even helps.

  • Shayne

    I am so excited to hear that Archie is doing better and you and Lee got to hold and feed him. WTG on the pumping!

    Continuing to pray for you all and hoping that you get some kind of definite answer today about what is causing all the hoopla in Archie’s chest.


  • What a joy to read these updates. Again, in the middle of the hardest situations, your faith is a rock Gretchen. You are such an example to us all.

    Heth’s last blog post..Quiet

  • Such good news. What a relief. We’ll continue to pray.

    Megan’s last blog post..Chicago, Day 3

  • So glad to read that he is doing better. Will continue to pray to our Abba Father that he would completely heal little Archie.

    Praying too that your milk would continue to come in and that Archie will be able to make a smooth transition back to breastfeeding very soon.

    Love to you all.

    PastormacsAnn’s last blog post..Time for a vacation? Already?

  • yes, when he is 93, I understand completely…

    I am thankful for your peace as well, what a gift our sweet savior gives us…

    my Hannah has her first lupron shot today, so please lift her up as well…she is 16

    blessings upon blessings

  • So glad everything is going better – you and Archie will remain in my prayers and thoughts…

    Kelly’s last blog post..Miss Bess

  • Amy

    I am so happy to hear that you were able to feed and snuggle your sweet boy… and that the pumping is going well. God is good.

    Praying for you today…

  • So good to hear!

    Michelle at Scribbit’s last blog post..Eight Tips for Remodeling Your House

  • JoAnn

    Great Update. Been thinking about little Archie. BTW–love the name. I’m glad to read that things are becoming more at ease for you! I understand your franticness. How very scary, and so unexpected. I’m hoping his next scans, xrays are fine.

    Can’t wait for a picture of your beautiful boy!


  • so happy to read positive reports and will continue to prayer for you all!

    Courtney from Mommie Blogs’s last blog post..hitting snooze on my biological clock

  • Oh, my heart. I am so happy that things are going well and I know how real miracles are and that they continue to happen in you and Archie and oh, God is good.


    Adventures In Babywearing’s last blog post..Bursty

  • So glad you got to hold him! God is good.

    Damselfly’s last blog post..What I’d Wear Wednesday: Regular

  • SO happy to hear great news!! I hope you get some answers today. Any chance of a picture?? I am sure he is adorable.

    Dawn’s last blog post..I LOVE Family Circus!!

  • edj

    Great news! I’m so happy to hear it. I got a huge smile when I saw the post title in my google reader. We’ll keep praying.

    edj’s last blog post..12th Night

  • girlsmama

    Progress is so sweet. I pray that it continues…

  • Oh Gretchen, you summed up my exact same thoughts with your last two paragraphs. Ain’t it the truth: God doesn’t change, but oh how I beg Him daily to have mercy and remember I am but dust.

    Praying for all of you, and will continue!

    I can’t wait to see a pic; I am sure he is every bit as beautiful as you say. And have I mentioned I love the name?


    Jenni’s last blog post..Because You Don’t Know Enough About Me Yet

  • I subscribed in Bloglines just to get Archie updates.

    I will continue subscribing to follow his continued improvement… thank God!

    My son had problems soon after he was born (and after a high risk pregnancy). He is nineteen now and I find myself asking if he has a fever. 🙂

    Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks&Me’s last blog post..Home as a sanctuary

  • I don’t know if I am too late to post this, but when we had our daughter in July, she was born by c-section, and was shipped to the Children’s Hospital NICU, which was 3 hrs. away. I had to remain in the hospital where I was for 2 more days before I could go be with her. She hadn’t nursed more than 3 or 4 brief times before she was shipped, so the whole nursing thing never got established. I was pumping the whole time we were seperated and was hardly getting anything. I don’t know if it was just time for me to get my milk in by the 4th day or just being close to her after the seperation, but once I was near her (aka heard her crying) and was able to hold her, milk supply was no problem and we’ve done really well since. I am so glad to read things are looking better…will continue to pray for you both.

  • Jenny

    I’m so happy that Archie is making progress, and will continue to pray for him and your family.

  • God is sooo good. And you are right, he is good even when the answer is no. But praise God the answer is yes!! So glad things are going better.

    The Diaper Diaries’s last blog post..Things I Love Thursday- YogaToes (And A GIVEAWAY!!)

  • I am so glad things are going a little better and the pumping is working out.

  • Ann

    Tears of joy and relief here! And I’m still praying for you. Hugs to you all, Gretchen! <3

    Ann’s last blog post..Just Rambling

  • Sam

    Just wanted to add my prayers and love. So happy to hear baby Archie is doing better. My son also had to go to the NICU (and be airlifted) and it’s beyond scary and surreal (especially when you’re not expecting it). God is so good and sustains us during those times, as I know you’ve felt – so happy you got to hold your sweet baby and hope soon he’ll be well and free from all those wires!

  • So glad to hear he is getting better!! We’re keeping you all in our prayers.

    Denise’s last blog post..Epiphany!!!

  • Prayers will continue to heal and soothe you all… get strong Archie! You already have a fan club!

    ~*~*~May God bless your family~*~*~

    Jill’s last blog post..Just when you thought

  • In tears. Praise God. Blessings on you.

    Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Laura’s Story, Part 2

  • Oh, I’m so happy to hear that Archie has had some quality Mommy/Daddy time and is doing better! Wonderfully encouraging news. Continued prayers for you all.

  • Praise God.


    owlhaven’s last blog post..Letting go

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