I was reading through reviews of classic children’s novels and films at common sense media. When I did a search on Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, I found the most adorable one-line review in history, written by an 11 year old.
Because boys should find out the hard wayI was reading through reviews of classic children’s novels and films at common sense media. When I did a search on Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, I found the most adorable one-line review in history, written by an 11 year old. 4 comments to Because boys should find out the hard wayLeave a Reply |
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HA love it
.-= vanessa´s last blog ..Things I Loved This Week =-.
That is a precious and AWESOME response.
I can’t even recall how many times I’ve read “Are you there, God?” Would you believe I didn’t know what lox was before I read that book?
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..Just so you know . . . And if I may . . . =-.
Hilarious! I don’t know that I could even read it again without blushing! I think I read it in 5th or 6th grade, and I just didn’t “get” it. Such a weird book…
.-= Minnesotamom´s last blog ..Sunday Sunshine 09.13.09 =-.
Classic! I read that book so many times the pages were falling out. This brought back memories!
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..Cruel, Cruel Mommy Brain =-.