When we were expecting our first baby, my in-laws gave a baby name book to guide us in our search for the perfect name. They used the book when their three kids were on the way. It’s at least 40 years old and was priced at $1.00. If a Bantam paperback can be an heirloom, this book was a treasure.
It’s called Name Your Baby by Lareina Rule. We have the 16th printing, which demonstrates its extreme popularity at the time. I’ve mentioned before that we got Aidan’s name from this book, which was listed in the GIRL’S half of the book, between Aida and Aileen.
So why aren’t today’s parents thumbing through Name Your Baby any more? The number one reason is because we have the internet providing awesome resources like Baby Name Wizard and Nymbler.
As we discovered yesterday during an impromptu baby name jam, the book is a better source of comedy than inspiration. Here is a list of actual names Ms. Rule suggested to parents of the 1960s and early 70s:
Ackerley and its partner, Ackley
Bland (if you know my last name, imagine the two paired…)
Borg (perfect for when I birth a pseudo-race of cybernetic beings who will eat our TV)
Derward (married to Samantha, no?)
Ennis (my boys rhymed this name with a body part as soon as I read it)
Garnock (maybe if I were birthing a replacement troll for a nearby bridge)
Rad (ahead of its time)
Rust (the noun, unlike Rusty the adjective)
Wenceslaus (maybe if I were giving birth to a kind king of the Dark Ages)
Binga (Old German for binge, Lareina claims)
Fulvia (we aren’t in ancient Rome any more)
Godiva (chocolate or naked lady, either way iffy)
Lasca (knock knock joke waiting to happen)
The girls fare much better. They always do. I believe it’s easier to name girls than boys. Think of a flower, plant, jewel, color, virtue, or month. Add the word “belle” to just about anything—Fulviabelle! The name Elizabeth contains approximately 6,000 offshoots and variations. It’s also Aidan’s middle name, which she is free to use at any time.
So far? She’s on Lareina’s side.
Other baby name posts I’ve written:
I am a bit partial to Stoke, myself.
Kyle and I are picked Dacey’s name from a baby book and we had help with an online baby name site for Aliza Joy, so I think we crossed that gap from The Books to The Web somewhere in 2007.
I cannot WAIT to hear this wee one’s name!
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..The Confessional: Mess =-.
We have someone in the family named Mayo…boy do this kid get tortured. Yes, looking forward to hearing the new baby’s name!!
.-= Pamela´s last blog ..Crap =-.
…boy, DOES this kid get tortured…(can’t stand seeing my own spelling mistakes!.sorry)…
.-= Pamela´s last blog ..Crap =-.
I have a friend who worked at an inner city hospital and treated siblings Lemonjello and Orangejello. The pronunciations are not as they seem, but those sure are the spellings. Bill Cosby would be proud.
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..truth =-.
Sextus? Seriously? Haha… “hey Sexy ______ (instert last name)! Ohhh my. And Pomeroy – I can’t decide if that should be the name of a car dealership, or Elroy (Jetson’s) long lost, unknown sibling. Hmmmm.
Can’t wait to hear what you decide!
Frick seems like a winner to me! Just think of when you need to yell “No, Frick!” Just rolls off the tongue!
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..More on the Name =-.
Dagwood! Yes!! Like the comic strip! I think we’ve found our winner!!
.-= edj´s last blog ..Abel’s Desert Trip =-.
Oh Frick!!! I had a great great uncle Fricky… It was shortened from Frederick!!! The things we admit to on the internet!!! We have chosen all our kids middle names, off the internet, while we were in labor… I distraction I guess!!! I so hope you are getting a chance to get some rest!!! And even more glad to hear you won’t be giving birth to a middle aged or dark aged King!!!
I like Twitchell.
Oh…oh this is just…classic! Every time I read it another one jumps out at me.
.-= Beth – Total Mom Haircut´s last blog ..Blowing Eggs Kind of Blows; Quiche Does Not =-.
Everarerered. It’s nearly impossible to say out loud:)
.-= Beth – Total Mom Haircut´s last blog ..Blowing Eggs Kind of Blows; Quiche Does Not =-.
If you name your baby Frick you would be obligated to have yet another baby named…Frack…then there would be no more questions as to the REAL Frick and Frack!
Maybe you could use two of those delightful names… something like Derward Twitchell!
Too funny!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Sunday Links =-.
I know a Mayo. And really, Sextus? What will his nickname be?
Taffy for a boy. My guess is Ms. Rule did not “stoke” her pipe with anything “bland,” if you know what I’m saying…
Since we’re still not totally decided on names (even though this baby is now 5 days late) I appreciated having some more suggestions…. Maybe Wenceslas Orford?? Thanks for the giggle.
.-= Aubrey´s last blog ..A list. =-.
Girls ARE WAY easier to name than boys!! I actually think Godiva is pretty cool. And out of all the boys, I think Tupper is the least hideous.
On second thought, never mind. They’re all equally awful. But Borg cracked me up. I’m so glad I already know this baby’s name.
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday: The Sherlock Edition =-.
Oh, I think girls are much harder to name! We have two boys and although my husband and I never have an easy time of coming to a compromise of opinions it was much easier to name them than the current baby girl I am carrying. There is so much to naming a child in our family. I come from a strong British heritage while my husband’s is strictly German and every member of the family feels they need to weigh in with their opinion. Add in the dash of stubbornness that runs in both of us and we are doomed.
Oh my gosh how hilarious. I almost expected my imaginary friend’s name (from childhood) to be on there- Forcon.
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..An extra-ordinary experiment. =-.
This is the best.
.-= Heth´s last blog ..Could This Be It? =-.
Niiiiice. Lol.
Our baby name book is kind of similar. It’s one of those “five billion names contained within” sort of books. The only reason there are so many names, I’ve decided, is because 90% of them are from tribal groups in Indonesia that I cannot spell or pronounce.
.-= Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com´s last blog ..There is love here. =-.
HA — I never would have thought an old baby name book would have been great fodder for a blog post.
Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement.
I like Binga! As in “and Bingo was her name-o.” Except that doesn’t rhyme. Never mind (I still like it).
My kids – who have been asking me to click back through the pages of your blog, enchanted – LOVE this post. BUt they are concerned that you are going to name the Baby Frick. HAHAHAHAH!
.-= Beck´s last blog ..A Hard Post And Five Years =-.