Setting: dusk-bright home, early winter pre-Christmas 2004 craziness in a metro Denver suburban home
Wife: (shyly) Do you think we can redesign Lifenut sometime? Just a few little tweaks and color changes?
Husband: (boldly) I can think of nothing I would rather do.
Setting: too early on a Saturday morning, springtime 2005. A giant earthworm wearing a party hat moves outside a patio window, carrying a small robin in its mouth
Wife: (alarmed and sitting bolt-upright in bed) I just had the craziest dream! You redesigned Lifenut. And something about a bird?
Husband: ZZZZZsnortsnifflegroan.
Setting: Same home, summer sun high and hot. Air conditioner whirring
Wife: (boldly) Can we redesign Lifenut? I have plans to make it very complicated, high tech, and it will require literally hours upon hours of coding.
Husband: (shyly) What do you mean, “we”?
Thanks to my dear hubby, who literally spent hours, heaped on hours, recoding, downloading, upgrading, and beautifying Lifenut over the past several days. New features include a picture randomizer that will change the look of the header each time the page is refreshed (go ahead, try it! I’ve already refreshed it 84 times, it is so fun!). There are 31 images to see. All the images are photos taken by me. There is now a way to contact me, too. Plus it’s pink.
So how long before I request a reciprocal link. I ought to, considering I read your blog nearly as often as I read Jackandglory.
Love it!!
How beautiful – I love it!! What a talented couple the two of you are.
WOW!!! It looks brilliant!!!
I love the new pink look and the photos. I could sit here all morning hitting “refresh”!
I love it! Very pretty!!! I have refreshed over 10 times already too!!!
I’m going to resist the urge to refresh unless it involves me taking a shower this am. I’ll just wait patiently for each picture as I dilligently read your blog over the next 84 days. Actually, it will be less than that because I visit more than 1x/day. (Hope the bunnies are in the rotation.)
There’s a whole paragraph about me.
About your blog redesign, it looks maahvelous. DH is a dear to do that. This is like a new home.
It looks wonderful!
Looks great!! I like the pink – and I refreshed about nine times!!!
Thank you for reasurring me that I was indeed in the right blog lol.
A very fresh look G! I like it.
Like the new look and I love your photographs, the one of Lee and Joel (?) is really wonderful.
Right On! I used to only visit your site for the content. Now, there’s lots of bright shiny objects (O.K., photos) to keep my attention!!!
Seriously, I love the new look – you guys did GREAT!
Very pretty! Good job, both of you. Like a fresh coat of paint in a room. I like the rotating pictures at the top. When do we get to see pics of the new house? When are you moving?
Thanks, everyone. I like it too. Hubby did an amazing job.
It is funny—there are 31 pictures, but the computer really seems to have preferences. Kind of like my iPod, which loves to play “Go Home” by the Barenaked Ladies whenever I shuffle the songs.
We are closing on the new house two weeks from today. I have pictures, but I am saving them for after we get the keys in our hands…
It is beautiful. Job well done.
Just read your about page. I was wondering how you got the nickname. So, does that make your hubby Hunka Munka?
In certain circles, I refer to my hubby as Hunka Bubba, Bubba being state mandated nickname of Texas.
LOL, Lexie. He would *hate* that! LOL some more…
I think the state mandated nickname in Colorado is “Dude”. We share much with California. So many of them have fled and settled here.
Love it! It’s beautiful! Your hubby did an outstanding job!