So far we’ve bought ___________.
I’ve washed ________.
We got ______ out of storage.
We cleaned ________ and _________.
The baby’s name is _________.
In other words, we’ve done nothing. The closest I’ve come to nesting for Mr. Baby is seriously considering buying this onesie. But I didn’t buy it. I figured I’d wait for it to go on sale. Also, I couldn’t decide if I should get 0-3 months or 3-6 months. So, I refolded it and put it back on the stack.
How wildly different it is to prepare for a first baby and the first baby’s 8th sibling. In some ways, it makes sense because I’ve learned to pace myself. I had everything done very early when I was expecting Aidan over 15 years ago, which made the last couple of months drag by slowly. The distraction of preparation would have been nice. But I also feel guilty that we’ve done nothing, as if his arrival will be an afterthought.
A baby needs a car seat, some comfy cotton jammies, diapers, milk, and arms ready to cuddle him tight. It will take minutes to assemble those things. Yet I want to actively do more. I want to pick up a onesie with happy future seafood printed on the front and take it to the register. It’s a huge leap of optimism. It means I think it will really happen. We will really, truly have another baby under our roof after my less-than-happy initial reaction, with a history of loss. I battle an odd feeling I am tempting fate. I battle a notion we have more than enough time.
But my head is turning toward things small, soft, cute—especially if it tastes great with butter and a little garlic.
I was the same with my youngest, I felt like there just wasn’t time to prepare or time to worry about if I had prepared. And genius idea on the Sonic Ice title.
I can’t imagine you’d need to do much – girl… you guys are pros and it will all come like before. How exciting! And Gretchen, you really do make it look easy woman. You and your hubby are amazing parents.