My bed is really nice. It has a high headboard and a footboard with scrolls and swirls. The wood is dark and handsome. It’s scratch free, blemish free, and it will last for the rest of our lives and beyond. We’ve had it for about 7 years and it’s still one of my favorite pieces of furniture. The mattress is decent, too.
Bedrest rages on. At least I am doing it in style. But don’t look at my hair. Percale is murder on natural curls.
I had another appointment today. The fluid level was exactly the same. Our consistently dependable little Mr. Baby continues to enjoy his breech position, too. I have a giant noggin between my ribs. It’s like having a softball right under my skin.
I also had a non-stress test (NST) which showed the baby to be happy enough for me to stay pregnant. He had good variables on the NST strip, especially after I drank a juicebox.
The hospital where I am delivering has a policy that c-sections cannot be done before 39 weeks without a strong medical indication. It didn’t used to be that way. The OB said that since they put this policy in place, there has been a 30% reduction in the number of babies sent to the special care nursery, which I think speaks for itself. It’s obviously a wise policy. There is no strong medical indication for Mr. Baby to be born right now, so pregnant I must remain until the fluid drops, I go into labor on my own, or he starts looking dodgy during NSTs and BPPs…
…Or until my original scheduled c-section day arrives. That’s the ideal scenario because it means he’ll have the best chance for a healthy, chunky, lungs-developed start.
Apparently, being incredibly lonely, bored, and uncomfortable or worrying about inconveniencing nice people is not a reason to have a baby.
(Note: My mom is still here. This is the longest my parents have been apart in almost 41 42 years.)
I don’t have to wait until Monday for another fluid/happy baby check. They are having me come on Thursday. This eases my worries, too. Prayers are always, always coveted.
I am back in the rotation at 5 Minutes for Parenting. My first post in ages appeared yesterday. I wrote about the importance of listening to our gut feelings and how that belief is transferred to our kids. Key lime pie is mentioned prominently. Pop over and say hello, if you please.
Awww, bed rest is so not fun. It sounds like fun when you’re running around and tired but as soon as you’re confined to the bed it looses it’s luster. I’m glad to hear that your little guy is doing so well though. =)
You’re doing a good job!
.-= Gretchen´s last blog ..Trying to stay cool =-.
You’re doing great! They sound like wise doctors. And doing what is best for Mr. Baby, I know is what you want. Does he have a name? But it still stinks.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..39 Week Thoughts =-.
So glad to hear from you. I was getting concerned. Hugs to your mom and your dad for their diligence in being there for you and the kiddos. I’m guessing your dad knows how to cook for 1?
Okay, off to read your post at 5minutes.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Hmmm =-.
Glad to know things are still going well. I think that policy is very wise. I’ve seen too many near term babies have problems, usually caused by us being in a hurry for no good reason. So keep up the good spirits. I just finished two more great books, if you still need any ideas – I read The Help on vacation and loved it. I also read Cutting for Stone – a beautiful novel written by a physician and it was awesome. But it did make me cry. Just to warn you. I hope things keep going well….
.-= Aubrey´s last blog ..Brief Boston Blog =-.
Well, I’m picturing your bed (and your bed head) and thinking of your parents, and mostly wishing for you and Mr Baby a nice rest and an uneventful end of the rest.
.-= Lori Lavender Luz´s last blog ..Perfect Moment Monday- Must Read =-.
I’m so glad Mr. Baby is doing well in there. But my heart goes out to you, Gretchen. I’ve never been on bed rest, and it sounds like NO FUN AT ALL.
I want to make a joke about the sleigh bed (Santa will need it by December, Mr. Baby), but I’m not sure I’m coherent yet this morning.
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Never Alone =-.
Glad to hear Mr. Baby is still safely cooking in the oven, but so sorry to hear you are still trapped in bed. Hang in there.
Hang in there – you are doing so well!!! I can’t believe Mr Baby is still hanging in there!!! Lots and lots of love.
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Saturday Spot- Imhoff Farm Village… =-.
Bedrest is the most boring thing ever, isn’t it? Email me with your phone number if you’d like to chat.
The Girl was breech and I well remember that uncomfortable Round Head in My Diaphragm feeling.
.-= Beck´s last blog ..I Interupt Me Moping Around =-.