1. …and it wasn’t me! Huge congrats to my in-laws, Jim and Amy, on the birth of their little girl. She was born on 8/3 at 11:28am, which was long after her water broke. I haven’t seen any photos yet, but if her mama and daddy are any indication, she is one good-looking, crazy-blessed baby.
2. I watched “Big” last night on the laptop. It was the first time I had seen it in its entirety in years. I concluded it’s a terrible movie. There are charming moments, but overall it’s stupid, creepy nonsense. If you were a single woman and a man took you back to his toy-strewn NYC loft, wouldn’t you BOLT out the door? How did he get the loft/job/furnishings without references, an ID, or a social security card? Why wasn’t his home phone tapped? No tracing the phone call? How did his sense of fashion go from 1970s Jack Tripper smarm to Armani suits in a few weeks? I thought of many, many more questions. I’ve lost my ability to suspend disbelief.
3. We couldn’t find our copy of The Screwtape Letters, so I started re-reading Wilkie Collin’s The Woman in White. I read it in college for Victorian Lit. class, which was one of the more tiresome literature classes I endured. Utilitarianism. Enough said. The Woman in White was the bright spot of the semester. I laughed out loud at the opening line:
This the story of what a Woman’s patience can endure, and what a Man’s resolution can achieve.
(emphasis mine)
4. These list style posts are my friend these days.
I don’t think you’re supposed to look at the closely at Big. I still love it. (But I’m not going to argue with any of your points.) We have a local mall with a Zoltar machine. But it costs a dollar, so it doesn’t have the little ramp to slide a quarter down. Inflaction…
I think I have a copy of the Screwtape Letters. I’ll mail it to you if you’re interested in borrowing it. Seriously.
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..nike =-.
You stinker!! You totally had me thinking the “someone” was you! 🙂 Gullible is my middle name.
I’m with you on Big. The first times I saw it I was a kid and thought it was so entertaining…and then as an adult it was ridiculous.
.-= Sarah@ Life in the Parsonage´s last blog ..Theyre Destined to be Car Salesmen =-.
Congrats on your new “Aunty” status!!! AND hang in there… you are doing so much better than I would – I would literally be tearing my hair out… Lots of love to all you…
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Flappy Flighty Fun Friends in Se7en Steps… =-.
You’re a good reader. I would be reading something non-life altering, something that would keep my interest! And trying to find new blogs to read and wondering why people don’t twitter and post all day long.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Shout It From the Rooftops! =-.
Love “The Woman in White” although the character of Laura is insipid and Marion is so much more interesting. How ugly could she be? Other than that, lots of fun.
And congrats on the new addition to extended family 🙂
.-= edj´s last blog ..Toe Girl! Toe Girl! =-.
I saw Big in the theater when it came out, I could never get past the fact that he was a 13? 14? (can’t remember) year old boy, and he had sex with a grown woman. How would this idea go over if the genders were flipped? I always seem to be in the minority with my opinion, however. The scene where Tom Hanks eats the miniature corn is priceless, so there is that….
Huge congratulations to your in-laws and the sweet new babe!
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Here’s the thing… =-.