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Pregnancy 12

Thank you to everyone for your warms wishes and congratulations. Thank you for prayers and for sharing in our happiness. I truly appreciate each comment and email.

It isn’t easy telling people that baby #8 is bobbing around inside me. I worry about negative reactions. I also worry I will have to “un-tell” if I lose the baby. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you will have a baby. Learned that lesson X 4. It’s pretty ingrained and it’s a pretty awful truth.

If you’ve read my blog through my pregnancies with Beatrix and Archie, you know they were white-knuckle rides and I rarely said “Wheeeee!” I will not be comfortable until the baby is here, blinking, mewling, stretching, hungry, living. That doesn’t mean I don’t find joy or let myself be carried away by dreams of the future. I do, easily. I already am. I think of names and bedroom assignments.

We told the kids. They are excited. They naming and placing the baby, too.

Love comes quickly. One moment, you are thinking about making lunch or the homework in the backpack you don’t want to do and the next you learn a new brother or sister is coming and it’s the best! It’s worth jumping up and down over. It’s someone to name right away and find room for without hesitation.

Love comes quickly, as Joel demonstrated when he hugged me. His head rested on my poochy belly and he said:

Thank you.

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