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Duck, rabbit, Spiderman, Batman, ????, Pirate, 1950s girl

As seen at today’s school Halloween parties:








My yearly group photo is coming tomorrow. It’s always one of my favorite memories from the year.

6 comments to Duck, rabbit, Spiderman, Batman, ????, Pirate, 1950s girl

  • Clearly he is dressed up as a candy corn bingo champion.
    .-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..six =-.

  • amy

    Ice cream Sunday.

  • Daria

    Rudolph the red nosed worm?

  • I will admit, I’m disappointed that there is no “Constitution”. I have been looking forward to that one. Your kids are adorable as always. Especially sweet Beatrix and Archie.
    .-= Heth´s last blog ..Who? =-.

  • Gretchen Lifenut

    Heth—yeah, he changed his mind about being The Constitution. Probably because we thought it was so funny. I have no clue how I would have done it, anyway.

    His alternate costume is interesting though, no?

    This was BY FAR the most frustrating Halloween we’ve had in recent memory. The kids changed their minds way too much, so we ended up settling for stuff we already had/being lame. Every year, I swear I am going to make astonishingly clever costumes and every year, it’s October 29th and I’m like, “Huh?”

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