1. Sleep
2. Eat leftovers.
3. Watch old movies
4. Watch new movies (“Frozen” springs to mind)
5. Adopt this really cool custom on Thanksgiving. Do the embroidery on Friday.
6. Go on a long, long, long walk
7. Make Borax snowflakes
8. Play with your dog
9. Video games
10. Board games
11. Card games
12. Eat pie
13. Write a list for your blog
14. Christmas decorating
15. Make stuffing waffles
16. Take another nap
17. Take a long bath
18. Make cookies for your neighbors
19. Go letterboxing
20. Give yourself or your kids a mani/pedi
21. Shovel snow
22. Get a haircut
23. Write a Christmas letter
24. Build a snowman (where applicable)
25. Make Christmas music playlists
26. Learn how to make paper snowflakes, then hang them up
27. Read a magazine
28. Watch YouTube tutorials on hairstyling, dancing, and cake decorating
29. Have a tea party
30. Hang Christmas lights on your house
31. Give your pet a bath
32. Make turkey soup
33. Read the original Christmas story found in Luke
34. Go to the library
35. Go to a museum
36. Go to the zoo
37. Get a Christmas tree
38. Make homemade marshmallows
39. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a very long time
40. Write a letter to someone who would never expect a letter from you
41. Plan a summer vacation
42. Print photos
43. Make a photo album
44. Draw your own comic strip
45. Listen to Christmas music
46. Rearrange your furniture
47. Memorize something lengthy and impressive
48. Build something with LEGO
49. Bake a loaf of bread
50. Learn the history of your town
51. Learn how to say Merry Christmas in at least 10 other languages
52. Read a biography of a person you admire
53. Count how many days of school your kids have until summer
54. Gather clothing you never wear or your kids have outgrown
55. Look at your school yearbooks
56. Learn origami
57. Play with a curling iron
58. Inventory your winter gear
59. Go ice skating
60. Learn how to properly throw out expired medications and do it
61. Eat lunch at a restaurant you’ve never been to and order something you’ve never eaten
62. Make stovetop popcorn
63. Wax leaves
64. Plan an open house
65. Draw a wintery scene with colored pencils
66. Clean out the junk drawer
67. Make a lighted Mason jar Christmas tree scene
68. Plot out the holiday movies and classic TV schedules you want to watch on a calendar
69. Make photo calendar
70. Write about childhood holiday memories, good and bad
71. Choreograph a simple dance to your current favorite song
72. Make stovetop hot cocoa, non-packet style
73. If your nice china/dishes are still out from Thanksgiving, order pizza and eat off them
74. Read Calvin and Hobbes comics online
75. Picnic! Inside, outside, it doesn’t matter
76. Go bowling
77. Make paper poinsettias
78. Watch sports of some sort
79. Sky rockets in flight! Afternoon delight!
80. Read a good joke book aloud
81. Elf your bad self
82. Plan a menu for all of December and resolve to stick to it
83. Make bird feeders and hang them from trees
84. Fashion a virtual snowflake and leave greetings for strangers all over the world
85. Ask an older relative or friend to share stories of memorable holidays
86. List items you don’t need at Craigslist or Freecycle
87. Go through your kids’ old school work and art work with them to show them how far they’ve come
88. Make an ice cream sundae bar for lunch
89. Go outside (day or night) and use a cool smartphone app to learn what’s above you and on the other side of Earth
90. Collect pine cones
91. Look—and maybe even giggle—at historic American Christmas dinner menus going back to the 1700s
92. Listen to the worst version of O Holy Night ever recorded
93. Swim!
94. Build a fire if you can, then roast hot dogs and marshmallows
95. Enter every online giveaway and contest you can find
96. Go through your email and unsubscribe from all online stores you’ll never buy from or haven’t bought from in three years
97. Don’t catch any diseases or illnesses because you won’t be in crowded stores
98. Go through a drive-thru and buy for the person behind you
99. Sleep

Black Friday 2012 ~ We pretended we were Olympic ski jumpers at History Colorado
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