The school year is winding down. When I count the days left on the calendar, I can do it on two hands with a few fingers folded down. It seems undaunting to get to the last day, until I start the math.
There are 42 juice boxes until freedom, with 41 straws because there’s always one missing, am I right? 84 slices of bread separate the school kids from sleeping in. Of course, we’ll go through more than 84 slices of bread because of toast, little guy sammiches, big mommy sammiches, and needing a place for drizzled honey to land. Between now and June 1st, just the school kids will consume close to 100 pieces of fruit. The last day will come and a new season will start.
How will I mark the days of summer break, when I have nine children with me all day, every day?
The number of:
Rolls of toilet paper
Miles put on the van
Hours of Aqua Bats Super Show watched
Letterboxes found
Ice cream scoops
Books read
Bottles of sunscreen
Blades of grass cut
Oohs and ahs over fireworks
Popsicle sticks
Grilled hot dogs consumed
Bubbles blown
Sibling fights
Slides slid down
Dirty knees
Cricket chirps
Summer is the season when it’s easiest to count to infinity.

Number of lobelia blossoms
What a wonderful way to think about it!