Hmm, I’m nearly caught up to you: 33% geek here. But I think it’s too low. I may be only 33% computer geek, but they didn’t have ANY band/choir/drama/art geek questions!
LOL! I must be 100% Geek because I couldn’t see the questions – only the answers. Sad thing is, I actually tried to choose answers before I realize that the questions weren’t showing up, and I finally gave up! 😀 Ha!!!!!!
I was exactly the same–34%. How about that!
Heidi’s last blog post..My personality
Hmm, I’m nearly caught up to you: 33% geek here. But I think it’s too low. I may be only 33% computer geek, but they didn’t have ANY band/choir/drama/art geek questions!
Goslyn’s last blog post..Dinner for Pooh
LOL! I must be 100% Geek because I couldn’t see the questions – only the answers. Sad thing is, I actually tried to choose answers before I realize that the questions weren’t showing up, and I finally gave up! 😀 Ha!!!!!!
Jenn’s last blog post..A Lot Of Things Are Happening…
I am ashamed.
How COULD it possibly be so LOW!!! LOL
Liz: 48%