I read A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek in 12th grade and loved it! Once every six months or so I see a quote from Annie Dillard and think to myself, “I really ought to get that book out again and discover whether my 27 year-old self enjoys it as much as my 16 year-old self did.” Maybe this weekend…
Thanks for the semiannual Dillard reference
I read A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek in 12th grade and loved it! Once every six months or so I see a quote from Annie Dillard and think to myself, “I really ought to get that book out again and discover whether my 27 year-old self enjoys it as much as my 16 year-old self did.” Maybe this weekend…
Thanks for the semiannual Dillard reference
Too precious.
Great quote and a perfect picture to go with it!
You are welcome, Lindsey.
I *love* Annie Dillard’s writing, esp. _Pilgrim at Tinker Creek_ and _An American Childhood_.
Me too. Have you read Holy the Firm? I also love dogs and little boys, so this was a wonderful post to find!
The pictures on your site really make me smile! Terribly cute!
That’s about the best advice you can give a mom whose house is a mess but whose daughter is a joy.
And doesn’t Annie Dillard have the most amazing things to say? I need to finish the book I’m working on so I can read something of hers.
I’m an Annie Dillard fan, too. Thank yo for that reminder. You take such great pictures of your children. Rich woman.
Which youngling is that? (The boy, not the dog.)
I’ve heard Dillard mentioned before and need to put her on my reading list.
Julana is right…you are indeed rich.
Love this
Thanks, everyone. The youngling is Joel. The dogling is Junie.
By the time I make it out to Denver to visit you & my relatitves
I’ll have your kiddos names stored, maybe.