
Ancient History

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Saving Saving Mr. Banks

A few years ago, I paid Tommy and Joel 50 cents each to watch Mary Poppins with me. I knew they’d love it. They didn’t know they’d love it. It was the easiest bit of coin they’ve ever made. One viewing and you’re hooked. The songs, the humor, the animation, the story—all click together so […]

The care and feeding of teenaged boys

Sam was miserably sick last week. From head to toe, he looked like a battlefield. Bedraggled hair zagged over his fever-pulsing head. His cheeks were bright red, his eyes watered, his nose wept. Tonsils threatened to explode, muscles from his shoulders to his ankles howled. He coughed, sneezed, and complained of angry stomach pains and […]

Winter Wonderland Found

I couldn’t wait to take our whole family to the Denver Botanic Garden’s Blossoms of Light this year. A few of us went last year. We had so much fun, we talked about it in March, in June, in September. The beauty, enchantment, and whimsy stuck with us long after winter sailed away. Everyone was […]