
Ancient History

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Give the Gift of Frozen Sausage

The mall in my childhood hometown is charmingly pathetic, but it’s all we had. With one story and no fountains, it wasn’t the shining public palace like most American malls in the 1980s. We didn’t know better, though. Denver and Salt Lake, with exotic things like escalators and The Gap were 5-hour drives away. We […]

Saturday Siblings ~ My Fair Ladies

Our girls had their school holiday concerts on the same night. It’s not often both are dressed in their best at the very same time. It called for a photo or hundred. Here is one of my favorites:

Aidan and Beatrix, December 2013

Chocolate and Dogs Can Be a Deadly Combination

It’s a rite of passage for many kids. I remember sneaking into a cupboard looking for a snack when I saw a box of baker’s chocolate. Being a kid, I focused on the word chocolate and not so much on the baking part. When I bit into what I expected to be a bit of […]