I’d like to wish myself an early Happy Birthday. I think I better do it now, just in case the world falls apart on my actual birthday.
I am turning 35 on 06/06/06.
There is gathering hysteria and speculation surrounding next Tuesday. In particular, pregnant women who are due in early June are apparently terrified of delivering on the numerically scary day. Some seem to be convinced their babies will pop out sporting miniature devil horns and Hitler mustaches. Others claim they have no problem with the date—they worry other people will make fun of their children for being born on an evil day.
I’m rather fond of June 6th. I took my first breath on that day. I got to meet my parents face-to-face. I do not remember it, but I’m sure it was a lovely time. On my fourth birthday I received a beautiful blue robe which was later stolen by the girl across the street. On my fifth birthday I opened a brown cardboard box, thinking to myself “nothing good comes in brown cardboard boxes.” I was wrong. It was my first Barbie with several divine ballerina outfits. My begged-and-pleaded-for Lucy watch and yellow bicycle were given to me on my eighth birthday—one of the greatest June 6ths of my life.
If June 6th, 1971 was the day I took my first breath, then June 6th, 1987 was the day my parents held their breath. I drove, alone, out of the driveway and down the street. The night smelled of russian olive trees and adventure.
The big days came: 18—so proud to vote. 21—gimme a beer. 25—uh, now I can rent a car at Hertz. 30—whatever.
I am standing on the brink of 35, demographically middle aged with mixed feelings about the milestone. Constitutionally mature and of “Advanced Maternal Age” according to my obstetrician, I can look at June 6th through eyes which have seen many come and go. Ice cream cakes, cherry pies before they gave me hives, melted candle wax on butter cream frosting, birthday cards from grandmas who are now in heaven signed “God Bless You, Granddaughter”, embarrassing restaurant scenes with warbling waitstaff singing to my red face and going to bed that night blessed just as the flowered cards sincerely wished—these are how my June 6ths have been built. All the mothers who fear their babies will hate their birthdays are so very, very wrong. There is nothing to hate in a date.
I still have my Lucy watch. The white wristband is graying, like me. The face has little cracks and lines, like mine. Lucy’s arms extend out, her fingers point, time does not stop. Her work isn’t done. Uncharacteristic for Lucy, she is smiling. So am I.
I was born on a good day.
Happy Early Birthday to you.
And just in case, eat a piece of cake on the 5th. You never know…. *grin*
Love it! I just posted the middle-aged prayer for woman recently- I might link to this post, too, if that is ok? Happy Birthday next week, by the way!
Happy early birthday, Mopsy.
GREAT post, Mopsy. And happy birthday. I’m turning 34 this summer, so I’m just one year behind you.
Happy Early Birthday! I say start celebrating now–6 days of celebration for a 6/6/06 birthday seems fitting.
It’s just a number.
Have a Happy Birthday!
What a lovely birthday post. Happy Early Birthday. I too, am fond of June 6th, because that was my last night as a bachelorette. I went to bed early, anxious and excited on the eve of my wedding.
I hope you have a very, very happy birthday. (I am sorry, however, to hear that cherry pie gives you hives. That’s just cosmically wrong and unfair. Pie is one of the great joys of life.)
Happy early birthday here’s to many more happy memories .
Happy birthday for the 6/6/06. I love how you are able to remember what you got. How well you write. You truly have a gift.
you’re baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! where was I?
Yes, June 6 was a good day for the world.
You know, if people would write it 2006 it shouldn’t be a problem, huh?
I used to work at Subway in High School and there was a certain combination of a particular sandwich, with a certain size drink and a cookie that got a total of $6.66. It always tripped me out how it would freak the person out. (It was good for sales though, as they usually added a bag of chips so they wouldn’t have to pay that evil number!!)
I am unconcerned with the number. I feel free from worry about what the number impies in my future….
So, since I’m not worried, Happy Birthday! And I’m sure you’ll have a lovely birthday to add to all the already lovely birthday memories you have!!
And think, you can share all the stories about the hype just like from Y2K!! And added bonus!!
Eh. type-o! I meant, an added bonus!!
Oh, I must tell you this:
The whole Sweden is celebrating with you, so now you can tell every one that. (Swedens National Day is 6th of June)
I came here from Everyday Mommy and I’m glad I did. My sister celebrated her 52nd birthday on June 6 of this year. She, too, has no problem whatsoever with her date of birth.
I have throughly enjoyed all that I have read so far. I had given myself strict instructions and admonishes NOT to add another subscription to my bloglines this summer, but alas, I must disobey myself.