~*Nelson Algren
“I give you Chicago. It is not London and Harvard. It is not Paris and buttermilk. It is American in every chitling and sparerib. It is alive from snout to tail*.â€16 comments to “I give you Chicago. It is not London and Harvard. It is not Paris and buttermilk. It is American in every chitling and sparerib. It is alive from snout to tail*.â€Leave a Reply |
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I am so glad you got to go to Millennium Park and the big bean! : ) I hope you had a taste of some good pizza, too…
Adventures In Babywearing’s last blog post..What Makes A Happy Mama
Oh…my favorite city!! I so want to go again! Now!!
Megan’s last blog post..Craft of the Week
What great photos! I’ve never been to Chicago, but it looks marvelous.
Stephanie’s last blog post..Going to Work
Okay, are you gonna tell us what you were doing there????
Joanne’s last blog post..Oh Baby
Ooh, you were so close! Too bad you couldn’t have taken a quick detour to the west.
I see you shopped, did you get anything great?!
Heth’s last blog post..Ferns
Neat photos. Looks like you had your walking feet on this weekend.
Nosy–er, inquiring minds want to know. What took you to the Windy City this weekend?
From lyrics to snapshots, I never cease to be inspired here.
My ONE visit to Chicago was gorgeous. LOVED it. It was in September and could not have been more lovely.
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..To all the slings I’ve loved before . . .
Yes, beautiful, but did you see Oprah?
nutmeg’s last blog post..How I love a list!
Ah my former home. I love that place!!
Jill’s last blog post..A Catastrophe of Monumental Proportions
I LOOOOOOVE Chicago. Lived there for two summers. Giordano’s pizza? The BEST.
Heidi’s last blog post..Bad Poetry Monday – 15
Well, not only are you a superb writer, you are quite a talented photographer as well! Love the first photo in The Bean. Too cool!
FUN! I’ve been twice, but not seen everything I want to see.
Jeana’s last blog post..Pining
I would love to go to Chicago to visit the art museum. The painting “Paris Street, Rainy Day” by Gustave Calliabote is there and it is one of my favorites!
Randi’s last blog post..i promise i won’t turn this into a “puppy blog”…
Chicago is Great! We went one summer during Taste of Chicago, and it was so good! Hope you are having fun!
Happy Mommy’s last blog post..Walt Disney would roll over in his grave
How fun, I’ve never been there!
noble pig’s last blog post..It Got a Little Too Wild…
Great pics.
I love the self potrait in the bean!